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Where To Kiss A Guy – 10 Places Men LOVE To Be Kissed


Today, we are talking the 10 surprising places men love to be kissed. So don’t forget to download the 12 texts to make them yours and I’ll see you for the places right after this. [Music] Okay, so kissing locations men love. Let’s get straight into the really fuzzy or arousing or beautiful kissing locations, men love that might surprise you. Number 10 is the neck from behind. So this is a really beautiful sensual kiss.

Don’t use it on a guy you’ve just met or first date type thing. This is for a guy you’ve known a little bit longer. You know, just come up behind him, embrace him and give him a kiss softly on the side or back of his neck from behind. It just creates this amazing tingly, beautiful sensation in a man.

And what it communicates underneath is a true feeling of appreciation for him and his masculinity. Number nine is his wrists. So this is another vulnerable area like the neck, but it doesn’t get anywhere near as much attention as the neck does. Now, don’t go forward if it’s logistically awkward or if it’s weird to do so in the moment.

But sometimes you’ll be sitting or lying in a position where you can’t really kiss him just because of where you are. A kiss on the wrist is a beautiful appreciative kiss that I promise you your man will love. Number eight is the back of his ears.

That’s a really lovely intimate spot that’s gonna send tingles through the man, get him really thinking about you. And if you want you can rile him up using what you say. Just a great experience for the guy. Number seven is the dip in his collarbone. So this is this little spot just here or just here, which might not seem like a sensitive kissing spot, but the reality is it’s tucked between a whole bunch of muscles and it’s a very vulnerable spot because nerves and physically speaking, a lot of important anatomy run through there.

And generally speaking, our most vulnerable spots are the ones where we have the more nerves because our body needs to protect those. So things like our necks are groin obviously, and this spot here. So if you want to give a guy a really nice sensual kiss in a spot that he might not even know that he loves, go for the dip in his collarbone.

Number six is this cheek. Now I know what you might be thinking. You might be thinking “Mark, that’s not the least bit surprising. That’s obvious, you’re an idiot.” What I’m talking about here is the really, sensual slow appreciative cheek kiss that every man loves from his girlfriend or partner.

It’s the experience of the cheek kiss where you come in slowly, you leave your lips there and you know maybe you guys are having cute moment. Maybe he’s done something amazing around the house or maybe you’re just feeling super appreciative for him right then and there. You just come in and give him this slow, beautiful, meaningful cheek kiss and I promise you he will feel amazing and absolutely love it. Number five on our top 10 list of surprising places to kiss a guy is down his spine.

So this is one way. If you just catch him lying face down on the bed or he’s just on his stomach relaxing. This is a really nice pleasurable sensation for him. You know, he’s lying prone, he’s not thinking about kissing or anything at that stage. And then he just gets this beautiful surprise down his back.

It makes for an awesome experience and surprise for a guy. Number four is his lower abs. So it goes without saying that this area is gonna build a hell of a lot of tension and lust for you.

Be sensual with this area, you know, take your time. Just kiss around his general lower ab area. I guarantee this is going to drive him insane with attraction for you. And number three is his shoulders. So this one might surprise you as well.

You know, men take a lot of their masculinity, a lot of their feeling from the shoulders. You know, you talk about broad shoulder guys or how women say they love men’s shoulders in the same way that lots of women take a lot of their femininity from their hips. A lot of men take their masculinity or the portion of it from their shoulders. So even though the guy might not have a big reaction when you kiss the spot, I guarantee that when you kiss the guy’s shoulders, you’re just standing there and you just spontaneously show appreciation for his shoulders.

You are showing deep appreciation for him as a man. He will love it. Number two is inner thigh. Okay, you thought you were the only person that enjoyed being kissed there.

Men love it too. Men absolutely love this area. So obviously it’s a much more sexual orientated location.

Today, we are talking the 10 surprising places men love to be kissed. So don’t forget to download the 12 texts to make them yours and I’ll see you for the places right after this. [Music] Okay, so kissing locations men love. Let’s get straight into the really fuzzy or arousing or beautiful kissing locations, men love that might surprise you. Number 10 is the neck from behind. So this is a really beautiful sensual kiss.

Don’t use it on a guy you’ve just met or first date type thing. This is for a guy you’ve known a little bit longer. You know, just come up behind him, embrace him and give him a kiss softly on the side or back of his neck from behind. It just creates this amazing tingly, beautiful sensation in a man.

And what it communicates underneath is a true feeling of appreciation for him and his masculinity. Number nine is his wrists. So this is another vulnerable area like the neck, but it doesn’t get anywhere near as much attention as the neck does. Now, don’t go forward if it’s logistically awkward or if it’s weird to do so in the moment.


But sometimes you’ll be sitting or lying in a position where you can’t really kiss him just because of where you are. A kiss on the wrist is a beautiful appreciative kiss that I promise you your man will love. Number eight is the back of his ears.

That’s a really lovely intimate spot that’s gonna send tingles through the man, get him really thinking about you. And if you want you can rile him up using what you say. Just a great experience for the guy. Number seven is the dip in his collarbone. So this is this little spot just here or just here, which might not seem like a sensitive kissing spot, but the reality is it’s tucked between a whole bunch of muscles and it’s a very vulnerable spot because nerves and physically speaking, a lot of important anatomy run through there.

And generally speaking, our most vulnerable spots are the ones where we have the more nerves because our body needs to protect those. So things like our necks are groin obviously, and this spot here. So if you want to give a guy a really nice sensual kiss in a spot that he might not even know that he loves, go for the dip in his collarbone.

Number six is this cheek. Now I know what you might be thinking. You might be thinking “Mark, that’s not the least bit surprising. That’s obvious, you’re an idiot.” What I’m talking about here is the really, sensual slow appreciative cheek kiss that every man loves from his girlfriend or partner.

It’s the experience of the cheek kiss where you come in slowly, you leave your lips there and you know maybe you guys are having cute moment. Maybe he’s done something amazing around the house or maybe you’re just feeling super appreciative for him right then and there. You just come in and give him this slow, beautiful, meaningful cheek kiss and I promise you he will feel amazing and absolutely love it. Number five on our top 10 list of surprising places to kiss a guy is down his spine.

So this is one way. If you just catch him lying face down on the bed or he’s just on his stomach relaxing. This is a really nice pleasurable sensation for him. You know, he’s lying prone, he’s not thinking about kissing or anything at that stage. And then he just gets this beautiful surprise down his back.

It makes for an awesome experience and surprise for a guy. Number four is his lower abs. So it goes without saying that this area is gonna build a hell of a lot of tension and lust for you.

Be sensual with this area, you know, take your time. Just kiss around his general lower ab area. I guarantee this is going to drive him insane with attraction for you. And number three is his shoulders. So this one might surprise you as well.

You know, men take a lot of their masculinity, a lot of their feeling from the shoulders. You know, you talk about broad shoulder guys or how women say they love men’s shoulders in the same way that lots of women take a lot of their femininity from their hips. A lot of men take their masculinity or the portion of it from their shoulders. So even though the guy might not have a big reaction when you kiss the spot, I guarantee that when you kiss the guy’s shoulders, you’re just standing there and you just spontaneously show appreciation for his shoulders.

You are showing deep appreciation for him as a man. He will love it. Number two is inner thigh. Okay, you thought you were the only person that enjoyed being kissed there.

Men love it too. Men absolutely love this area. So obviously it’s a much more sexual orientated location.

So when you really know a guy well and you really feel comfortable around him, teasing, kissing his inner thighs. He’s gonna absolutely love it. And number one, a man’s favorite surprising place to be kissed is anywhere with his eyes closed. So if you want to create an incredible experience for your man, that just absolutely blows his mind, lie him down. Tell him you’re taking charge for a little bit and tell him to close his eyes or put a blindfold on, and go through all of the 10 locations and more with his eyes closed.

Incredible lust-driving experience for a man. I promise you this will be the best treat that you can give a man, especially if you want to end things hot and heavy. So put on a blindfold and move your lips around through all the locations with his eyes closed.

And that’s the video. Thank you so much for watching. I hope you enjoyed. Let me know your thoughts, comments, questions.

Where’s your favorite place, surprising place to kiss a man or where do you love to be kissed? What’s your favorite surprising place post it in the comments below? I would love to hear it.

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Enjoy your kissing. It’s one of the most beautiful experiences of life and continue to empower yourself through growth, self esteem and authenticity. I’m Mark Rosenfeld, and I will see you in the next video. [Music]